Ryan Frisch, Wasatch Container Sales Manager, says Wasatch purchased the machine for two reasons. “One, we needed to invest in some modern technology, and this machine makes very good square brown boxes, It does quick setups and runs at high speeds, which is critical when you’re making RSCs. The other reason is our customers want packaging that they can connect with. They want the unboxing experience. They say one in five consumers have watched an unboxing video. I also read a statistic that 56% of customers’ re-purchasing decisions are influenced by their interactions with the packaging. That’s all growing mainly through the e-commerce world. And retail is growing as well.”
Less than 10% of the orders produced on BW Papersystems 6.18 MiniPro are printed on both sides. “It’s business that we’re building,” Seamues Ramos, Wasatch Container Operations Manager, says. Frisch adds, “Ninety percent plus is still brown boxes because we run a lot of brown boxes. Inside printing is a value-added segment. The machine doesn’t take a whole lot more to print on the inside versus the outside.”
To achieve the same results Wasatch was double or even triple passing jobs. “We had one product where we were running it through our rotary twice and then putting it through a Bobst diecutter because the diecutting was so intricate,” Ramos, says. “Now the majority of that type of business we can run in-line at high speed.”
Maximum speed on BW Papersystems 6.18 MiniPro is 22,500 sheets per hour and setup times are typically under five minutes. “For an inside print job, we’re probably looking at a seven-minute setup and we’re probably running almost five to six times as fast as what we could previously run,” he says.
“The way we grow is by offering innovative solutions like two-sided printing, and this machine is such a fast setup that we can make money running 500 boxes because of the quick setup,” Frisch says. The machine can run blank sizes ranging from 7- x 7-inch up to 23.5- x 74-inch.
While inside printing was certainly a motivating factor for purchasing a new machine, Frisch and Ramos say the more important quality was the ability to run existing business. Eighty percent of the sheet plant’s current book of business can run on the machine.
Click Here to read Part 1